The family lunch boxes are lined up, water bottles are filled, and fruit is ready to jump in. Now what? Forget the usual lunchbox candidates like sandwiches, chicken noodle soup, and leftover fried rice over the coming days.  Unless you’re on a no-carbs diet, the week of Passover can loom long and laboriously in terms of meal planning.

To get the facts straight, here are the food No-Nos for those observing the holiday. Think of your raised eyebrows as you commit to memory this pnemonic device: BROWS – standing for barley, rye, oats, wheat and spelt.  These are the usual grain suspects that go into leavened breads, which are strictly avoided over Passover. Rabbis say that for these to be acceptable for consumption over this holiday, you need to be able to cook them in under 18 minutes. [That’s a challenge I plan to take up one day when I’m not juggling work, kids, PTA, and grainsome meals.]

Now, Ashkenazi Jews tend to also avoid the following (which Sephardi Jews do eat over Passover) because of their mere resemblance to the above grains: corn, rice, millet and legumes. Maybe CRML (caramel) could a pnemonic for this one? (yum)

In our family, we forgive CRML for being grain doppelgängers and follow the Sephardic observance of Passover, and since corn muffins, rice and dhal can easily pass the 18-minute test, some of these characters appear below.

For more ideas for breakfast, dessert and meals over Passover, click this link.

Here are some meal ideas to get you off on a (no-grain) roll this Passover (the hyperlinks will take you to some yummy recipes):

Chag Sameach to you all!